Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week Two Whirlwind

Time is flying by, it seems.  

I feel I should write more, but am exhausted, so I’ll give you the Cliff Notes version of the last two weeks…

Week One came and went and I didn’t spend any money.  I was so worried about how I’d spend the money that I hoarded it instead.  Which led me to create the Rollover Rule.  Yes, like a cell phone company, my unspent “One-a-Weeks” can roll over to the next week.  This will allow me to strategically save if I know I have a couple of social events or shopping needs coming up.  I figure with all of the holiday parties in my future, this rule may come in handy.

It’s important that I don’t store up too many of these because I’m spending all of my time worrying about the future – the when and why and how – instead of enjoying the moment, whether I’m spending money or not.

So, Week One of this challenge reminded me that I can stay present, enjoy the moment, and be more discerning about how and when to spend money.

Week Two was the Week of Freebies. 

Monday: ate leftovers and hung out with Mike and friends. (Free)

Tuesday: Mike treated me to dinner. (Free. Oh, and there are definitely perks to being in a relationship.) 

Wednesday: stayed in and caught up on sitcoms. (Free!)

Thursday: Ah, Thursday.  We were going to my friend’s art show and I was super-excited because though Mike bought our tickets, I was going to treat us to dinner and finally use a One-a-Week.  We went out for sushi at our favorite local place but when the bill came, I couldn’t find my debit card anywhere.  I think I was more disappointed at not being able to spend money than I was worried about the whereabouts of my card.  In the end, Mike paid and I enjoyed yet another free night. (Unintentionally Free)

Friday: Friday was my last day at work and I celebrated with Good-Bye Drinks with my co-workers.  Every time I tried to buy a drink, someone insisted they get it for me.  (Free again)

Saturday: The last day of the week and I had two One-a-Weeks in my pocket.  While driving around, running errands for my new part-time actor-boss, I passed Chick-fil-A and, well, I couldn’t resist. 

So, my first One-a-Week was a delicious and a totally worthy experience. Mm.

Now, here we are today… Sunday -- Day One of Week Three -- and I’ve got two One-a-Weeks again.  I’m working on set Monday and Tuesday (yay, I have work!) and will spend the rest of the week with Mike’s family doing Thanksgiving stuff, so who knows if I’ll even have an opportunity to spend money this week.  Maybe I’ll treat myself to a new sweater or pair of shoes.  Or maybe I’ll spend my One-a-Week on someone else.

Whatever I decide, right now, I want to wrap this up and get back to focusing on this moment.  I’m grateful for the work I have this week and trusting that opportunities will continue to open up -- that I will find success in this new chapter.

For now, in this moment, I’m off to see if I can find [free] dessert in the freezer…

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