Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

I put in my notice today. 

All morning, I was terrified.  Then, when I got to work, I pulled my Production Manager (the one I trust) aside and told her my plan.  Though she was obviously super sad at the thought of working without me (wink), she managed to keep it together long enough to tell me her proposed plan of attack: she’d tell the other PM and together they’d tell my bosses, the Producers.

Thank god I didn’t have to tell them myself.  The Producers have a tendency to avoid anything emotional, personal or sentimental (though they never shy away from asking me what happened after a doctor’s appointment) so I was not looking forward to any sort of confrontation of that nature.  Thankfully, when they emerged from the office after they were given the news, they avoided eye contact and whisked off down the hall to their next meeting.

Eventually, though, it came up.  As I was packing up to leave, they took turns stopping by my desk in all their awkward glory.  After telling Producer 1 about my new gigs, she said, “That’s great that people like you!”   Groan.

Producer 2 insisted that she wasn’t a Vulcan and could talk to me about my departure.  For a brief moment, she grew serious and said softly, “What matters most is that you’re happy.  So I’m glad you’re going to do something that makes you happy.”

She’s right.  We all knew I wasn’t happy, so it only follows that it’s best for me to move on.   And I think that for all of her awkward, passive aggressive stumbling, Producer 1 knows that, too.

Tonight I met up with Goose to talk about the short films.  I made sure to tell him about my ridiculous One-a-Week Challenge beforehand so he wouldn’t judge me for stocking my purse with bottled water, green tea and pretzels.  He was late, so I was sitting awkwardly at the table, insisting to the snarky waitress that I was meeting someone who would actually order something.  Finally, he stumbled in.  After exchanging pleasantries:

“Can I buy you a beer?”

“Oh, no, thank you.”

“You sure?”

 “Yeah. I don’t want this challenge to become an excuse for me to freeload.”

“All right then.”

When he returned from the bar, he had two beers in his hand.

“I figured because you said no twice that I was allowed to buy one without it counting as cheating.”

Phew.  After all, I wanted to celebrate the end of this chapter.  So, here’s to November 18th and whatever’s on the other side.

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