Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Endless Possibilities of the Present

The pile beneath our little Dr. Suessian Christmas tree is growing each day.

Today, another festively wrapped package appeared under the tree with a tiny little tag addressed to me.  The sight of it brought a surge of excitement and a smile to my face.  In an instant, I realized (well, admitted) that I love presents at Christmastime.  Hear me out – I’m not entirely missing the point of Christmas with my present obsession.  My grandmother used to tell us stories of how she’d unwrap the gifts from her husband while he was at work to make sure she liked them.  If something didn’t suit her taste, she’d casually drop hints over the next few days to ensure he returned the unwanted gift.

Despite this mischievous influence, I grew out of the need to pick up, shake and rattle my presents in the hopes of determining the contents before Christmas morning.  Now, I find great pleasure in just looking at them.  I look.  I gaze.  I wonder.

This really is a rare event for me.  It marks the only time in my life that I don’t try to guess the ending.  I spend so much time trying to crack the code or control the outcome that I often miss the beauty of this moment – of the present.  And, as most of us know, this moment is all there is.

Yet, when I sit before the Christmas tree, gazing at the presents, I sit in a state of wonder.  Each present, with its colorful wrapping and sparkling bows, represents infinite possibility.  Until the moment the paper is torn off the package and the true contents revealed I am able to imagine that it contains absolutely anything in the world.  But I can’t plan, prepare or do anything about it.  I can only wait and see.  I must surrender to the wonder – and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

It is with this state of wonder and surrender that I want to approach every moment.  I’d like my future to be a wrapped present underneath the Christmas tree of my life -- filled with infinite possibility.  Rather than try to guess the outcome and spoil the surprise, I’d like to embrace the state of wonder -- the beauty of not knowing.  I can trust that I will know the contents of the box when the time is right.  And until then, I can surrender and enjoy not knowing.  I can let life surprise me – and practice gratitude for life’s gifts every day.

So, as Christmas approaches and brings with it a season of giving, I’m going to give as much attention as I can to this moment.  To surrender to the moment, grab a cup of coffee and nestle into a state of wonder and possibility.  And trust that focusing on this moment – on the present – will open up a wealth of joy and love today and all days.  I hope you will, too.

Merry Christmas.

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